The Beginner’s guide to ferret care

The ferret is a member of the family weasel that has been domesticated for over 2000 years. Ferrets are intelligent, social animals. They may seem like small pets, but they require as much attention as cats and dogs.


The average life expectancy of ferrets is 5-7 years. However, the record age for the oldest one in the world, 14 years, has been set! These little animals are quite curious. If you’re going to adopt ferrets, consider getting a pair. They are social creatures and will not be alone. Adopting ferrets is not recommended if there are small children at home. Ferrets are fragile and easily hurt if they’re handled incorrectly or dropped.

They love to sleep and can easily spend up to twenty hours per day. They are playful and active when they’re awake. They love to bounce and will invite you to join in the fun. They will be happy if you bounce around with them. They love to crawl through anything. This includes cardboard boxes, PVC pipes, dryer hoses and paper bags. They will even crawl up the legs of pants or shirt sleeves. It is very important that you teach your dog not to nip or play with them.


Ferrets have a musky smell, even though they are clean by nature. The odour of a ferret will not go away no matter how often you wash it. The smell is worse for unneutered ferrets. Fortunately, most domestic ferrets are neutered when they’re weaned, so this problem doesn’t arise.

The secretions from their anal glands are very powerful. They have the same pair as cats and dogs. The anal glands are only expressed when they’re very afraid, and then the smell usually goes away within a couple of minutes. Most ferrets around here already have these glands removed surgically, and you will only smell a musky scent from their skin oils.

The bathing of a ferret should be limited to once or twice per month. The ferret’s skin and coat will be stripped of their natural oils (which are mildly smelly). This will make the body overcompensate, and continue to produce more. Over-bathing can make a ferret’s odor worse. Generally, they do an excellent job at cleaning themselves. They will clean their faces with water if you provide them with a bowl. However, bathing can help relieve itching caused by fleas and dry skin. Use pet shampoo with warm water when bathing a ferret.


Like cats, ferrets are carnivores by nature. They must have meat as part of their diet. Ferrets need a diet that is high in fat and rich in meat protein. Ferrets are unable to digest vegetable protein, which can lead to medical problems such as skin disease, bladder stones, digestive disorders, and slow growth. Ferrets are unable to digest fiber, which is why high-fiber diets should be avoided.

A ferret’s best food is prey, like mice or rats. It’s understandable that many pet owners would not be comfortable with feeding their ferret whole prey foods, such as mice and rats, similar to a snake. The next best choice would either be a specialized diet for ferrets, made especially for their nutritional needs, or high-quality cat food, which you can find in a veterinarian clinic. Check the ingredients to make sure it’s not fish-based. The reason they need high-quality nutrients is that their GI tracts are very small and their gut bacteria or “flora” simple. This means their bodies only have 3-4 hours to absorb nutrients and digest food.

You can give your ferret some treats by giving them a piece of meat that is high in quality, like chicken or turkey. Ferret treats are not recommended because they contain little to no meat. Instead, the majority of ferret treats consist of grains and sweeteners. This can cause serious health problems for ferrets. It is not a good idea to give them sweet treats like fruit, even though they like their taste.

Early exposure to a wide variety of foods and flavours will help your ferret become used to them. You could make an adult ferret sick if you suddenly change the food and flavours.

Ferrets that are fed a high-quality, balanced diet will not need any additional supplements. They may only require fatty acids to combat flakes and dry skin.

Your ferret should have access to fresh water at all times. It must be changed on a regular basis.


The cages for ferrets must be at least 18″ x 18″ x 30″, and should have two levels, with ramps or stairs they can climb. Wire cages work best. Aquariums have poor ventilation and should be avoided. You should use a cage with very narrow gaps, and secure latches to keep them in. It’s amazing how tiny an opening these animals can fit through. It is best to cover the floor with a washable material such as carpet or linoleum. The wires may hurt the little ones’ feet. Avoid using wood floors (difficult for disinfection) or cedar chips as flooring. Newspaper can turn the feet of children black.

Your ferrets will appreciate hammocks, shelves or other dark areas to nest. Wash bedding, like towels and blankets. Stick to toys that stimulate the ferret to hunt or burrow. They love to tunnel through items, as we have already mentioned. To help them with their hunting, they like to play with balls, cat toys or cloth toys. Toys made of latex or foam rubber are not suitable for your pet as it will chew them up and possibly swallow some. This can cause a GI blockage.

Ferrets require mental stimulation and exercise, and should, therefore, not be caged all day. When they are outside their cage, you should supervise them. You should “ferret proof” all areas that you let your ferret explore. You should, for example, make sure that they cannot reach electrical wires or dangerous substances. You should cover any openings they could fit through, such as those under windows, doors and dryer vents. This is how they have escaped from the house. Before putting your clothes in the washer, make sure you have checked all of them. Before turning on the dishwasher, check it. Be sure to know the location of your ferret before you recline a chair.

You can litter-box train ferrets! Provide them with multiple litter boxes. One in the cage, and several in their play area. You should keep a litter box, newspaper or pee pad close to them because they are short-intestinal and cannot withstand it for long. It is best placed in the corner. Use pelleted cat litter instead of clumping litter. You will need to clean their litter box more frequently because they don’t hide their mess like cats do.

Keep ferrets away from the direct sun. The best place for ferrets is a cool and shaded environment. If you are concerned about hot weather, make sure that your ferret is kept in a cool, shaded area.


Ferrets, like any other animal, can have health problems. They should see a veterinarian regularly. Up until the age of five, a ferret should be examined annually. After that, he or she will need to see a vet every six months. Vaccinations for distemper and rabies are recommended. Fleas are another risk and they should be treated monthly with flea preventive. Consult your vet about what is best for your ferret.

Ferrets should be neutered and spayed before they reach sexual maturity. This can happen between six to twelve months. It is important to do this for females, because they will remain in heat up until they are mated. This can cause fatal diseases like pyometra or aplasticanemia. As mentioned above, most ferrets in North America are altered from a very young age.

You should also be aware that the ears of your pet can become quite waxy. They would benefit from regular cleanings every 2 weeks or 1 month. Use pet-friendly ear-cleaning products. Regularly trimming your ferrets’ nails is recommended at least every two weeks, since they can become quite sharp and long, and could potentially catch in bedding, carpets, etc. It can also cause injuries. Ask your veterinarian how to properly clean and trim the ferrets’ nails. This will prevent unintentional harm or damage.

Ferrets can suffer from a variety of conditions, including physical injuries, diabetes, skin cancer, kidney disease, foreign objects (blockages or obstructions) in their stomachs and intestines (also known as “green slime”), heart diseases, Aleutian Disease, and many others. Please call your vet if you have any concerns about your ferret’s health or would like more information on the conditions I mentioned.

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