Pets have many benefits

Pet owners know the joys of having companion animals in their life. Many of us are unaware that snuggling with a pet can have physical and mental benefits. Only recently have studies begun to explore scientifically the benefits of the bond between humans and animals.

Animals are now able to understand human behavior, emotions and body language. For example, dogs can understand most of our words, but are even more adept at understanding body language and gestures. Like any loyal human friend, your dog will try to read your emotions and understand your thoughts and feelings.

Dogs and cats, in particular, can help reduce anxiety and depression and loneliness. They also encourage playfulness and exercise, which is good for your heart health. Children who grow up with an animal are more confident and energetic. Also, pets can be a valuable source of companionship and support for seniors. A pet will bring you joy, unconditional love, and real happiness.

Your health can be improved by any pet

It’s true, people who have pets tend to enjoy better health than those without. However, it doesn’t mean that the pet has to be a cat or dog. If you are allergic to animals, or have limited room but want to cuddle with a pet animal that is furry, a rabbit might be the perfect choice. Birds are great for promoting social interactions and keeping your brain sharp, especially if you have a senior citizen. Reptiles like snakes, lizards and other species can be exotic pets. Watching fish in an aquatic environment can reduce your heart rate and muscle tension.

Researchers have found that:

  • Pet owners have a lower risk of suffering from Depression compared to those who do not own pets.
  • In stressful situations, people with pets tend to have lower levels of blood pressure than those who do not own pets. In one study, people who had borderline hypertension found their blood pressure dropped significantly after adopting dogs from an animal shelter.
  • When you play with your dog, cat or another pet, levels of dopamine and serotonin are elevated, which can calm and relax.
  • Pet owners are less likely to have high cholesterol and triglycerides (indicators for heart disease), compared with those who do not own pets.
  • Patients with heart attacks and pets live longer than patients without.
  • Over 65-year-old pet owners visit their doctor 30 percent less than non-pet owners.

Pets satisfy the basic human need to touch. Many hardened criminals who are in prison have shown long-term behavioral changes after having pets in the facility. They often experience mutual affection and love for the very first time. When stressed out or anxious, touching, hugging or interacting with a pet can quickly calm you down and soothe. The company of a dog can help to ease loneliness. Most dogs also encourage healthy exercise which is great for your mood.

Pets can enhance your lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle changes can help ease symptoms such as depression and anxiety. They also reduce stress levels, bipolar disorders, and PTSD. Care for your pet will help you to make healthier lifestyle choices by:

Increased exercise Walking, hiking, and running with your dog are all fun ways to get daily healthy exercise in. Dog owners have been shown to be more likely than other people to exercise daily. This is good for both the dog and owner. Exercise will improve your relationship with your dog, eliminate most behavioral problems, and help keep them fit and healthy.

Companionship. Companionship is a great way to prevent illnesses and add years of life. While loneliness and isolation can cause depression symptoms. Care for a pet can make you feel wanted and needed, which will take your mind off of problems. This is especially true if you are living alone. Many dog owners communicate with their animals, and some use their pets to help them work out their problems. Coming home to a purring or wagging cat is the best way to beat loneliness.

They can help you make new friends . On walks, hikes or dog parks, many owners stop to talk with each other. In pet shops, training classes, and clubs, owners can meet other people.

Reduce anxiety. A companion animal is a great way to offer comfort and help reduce anxiety. It can also build confidence for those who are anxious about venturing out in the world. Pets tend to be present-oriented and don’t dwell on the past or the future. They can teach you how to appreciate life in the now.

Add structure and routine into your daily life. Dogs, in particular, need a schedule for feeding and exercising. A consistent routine can help keep an animal calm and balanced. It also works for humans. You can be depressed, stressed, or anxious and still have your dog look at you and make you get up to care for him.

Helping you manage your stress with movement and touch. The blood pressure can be lowered by stroking your dog or cat.

Pets can be a great companion for seniors

Owning a dog can be incredibly beneficial to your health as you age, by:

Discover joy and meaning in your life. You’ll begin to lose the things that used to occupy your time, and give your life purpose. Your career may end or your kids may relocate. Care for your pet will bring you joy and boost your self-esteem, confidence, and morale. Adopting a pet at a shelter can make you feel more fulfilled, as it’s a way to save a life that would have otherwise been put down.

Keep in touch. Maintaining your social network can be difficult as you age. Death, relocation, and illness can cause friends and relatives to move away. And making new friends can get harder. Dogs are great for older people to meet new friends and spark conversations.

Take care of your health. By taking proper care of yourself, you can avoid many physical problems associated with ageing. Playfulness and laughter are encouraged by dogs, cats and other pets. This can boost your immunity and energy.

What pets can do for adults suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia?

Patients with Alzheimer’s disease can exhibit behavioral issues, some of which are related to stress.

  • Researchers at the University of California at Davis found that Alzheimer’s sufferers experience less anxiety and stress when there is a cat or dog in the house.
  • The interaction between pets and their owners can be a positive nonverbal form of communication. A well-trained and docile pet can provide a source of positive, nonverbal communication.
  • Many times, a patient’s problematic behavior is the result of the stress response from the primary caregiver. Caregiver stress can be reduced by pets. It may be better to choose cats or caged pets than dogs. Dogs require more attention and are more difficult for caregivers.

Children and pets: Benefits of having a pet

Children who have pets as children are less likely to develop allergies or asthma. They also gain empathy, responsibility and compassion from their pet.

  • Pets are not critical or give orders, unlike parents and teachers. Pets are loving, and just their presence in the home can give children a feeling of security. It can be helpful to have a pet that is always around. This will help reduce separation anxiety for children, when parents are not present.
  • A pet’s love and company can help a child develop positive feelings about themselves.
  • Children who have a strong emotional attachment to their pet are more likely to be able to form relationships with others.
  • Pets can also help to calm aggressive or hyperactive children. Both the pet and child must be taught to act appropriately around each other.
  • By teaching understanding, a pet can develop the mind of a young child. Children can communicate with their pets without fear of being rejected, allowing them to develop their self-confidence and vocabulary.
  • Even a caged pet such as a Guinea pig or Hamster is an excellent way to teach responsibility.

Children can also benefit from pet play, just like adults. This can provide a sense of relaxation and calmness, and stimulate the mind and body. A child can learn a lot from playing with their pet. This can spark a child’s curiosity and imagination. Children can learn perseverance by rewarding their dogs for learning a new trick. A child can gain a lot of joy from caring for their furry friends.

Learning disorders in children and other disabilities

Children with Autism or other Learning Disabilities may be better at interacting with animals than with people. Animals and autistic kids often use nonverbal communication to get their point across. Learning to connect first with a dog or cat may help autistic children in their interaction with other people.

  • Children with learning difficulties can benefit from pets to help them learn to control stress, calm down and overcome their disorders.
  • A dog or a cat that is trained to play and exercise can keep a child who has learning disabilities alert and focused throughout the day. This can be an excellent way to relieve stress and frustration that is caused by a learning disability.
  • Riding a horse in a riding stable near you can boost the self-esteem and level of children with disabilities.

Pet ownership is a big commitment

It’s vital to keep in mind that, despite all of the positives associated with pets, they are not a cure-all for issues related to mental health. Ownership of a dog or cat is a comforting but only for those with the love, appreciation and time to care for a healthy and happy pet. Pet ownership will not improve your health or life if you are not “animal-loving”.

It’s essential to know what caring for your pet involves, even if you are an animal lover. Dogs can live up to 15 or 10 years. You will also have to deal with the pain and grief of losing your beloved pet.

Dogs are expensive. Pets can cost a lot of money. Unemployed people or seniors on fixed incomes may find it difficult to afford pet care.

Animals need time and attention. Dog owners will confirm that it is not therapeutic to come home and find a dog locked in the house all day. To stay balanced and calm, dogs need to be exercised daily. Most other pets also require daily attention and care.

A pet may reduce your social life. Dogs can only be alone for short periods of time. You can take your dog with you on errands or to a café, but not for an unexpected weekend getaway.

Dogs and cats can cause damage. Every pet will have the occasional mishap at home. Some dogs may chew shoes, while some cats are prone to shredding furniture. Training can be used to eliminate negative and destructive behaviors, but they still occur when animals are left unattended for long periods without stimulation or exercise.

Pets require responsibility. If their owners do not handle them responsibly, most dogs can cause injury to people, no matter what size or breed they are. Even cats are capable of biting or scratching. Even cats can bite or scratch.

Some people are at risk of health problems when they own pets. Allergies are more common than diseases, which can be spread from dogs and cats to humans. Consider whether or not you are able to live with symptoms if you have been diagnosed as having a pet’s allergy. Consider that certain friends and relatives who suffer from allergies might not be able to visit you if your house has a pet.

Find the right pet

Congratulations if you have decided to own a pet. You’re on your way to creating a rewarding and unique relationship. Pet owners tend to feel happier and more confident than people without pets. However, you should choose the right pet for your lifestyle and needs.

Discuss with other family members the traits you are looking for in your pet, and what you would like to avoid.

Considerations of lifestyle that can influence the choice of a pet

Little outdoor activity. Consider pets who would enjoy staying with you at home. Playing with a kitten or bunny, taking a leisurely walk with an old dog or watching reptiles or fish is a great way to spend time.

High level of activity. A dog with high energy levels is perfect for someone who enjoys daily outdoor activities, such as walking and running. Canine companions love to be active outdoors, and will keep you moving.

Children and elderly. Pets should be sized and energy levels considered by families with children, or those who have elderly relatives living at home. Puppy and kittens can be very energetic, yet delicate animals that require care. A large or rambunctious dog could knock over or injure a child or an adult with shaky feet.

Additional animals living in the household. You should consider the happiness of your pets and their ability to adapt. Although your dog or cat might be happy to share you with another animal, the pet who has been used to having your full attention may not want to do so.

Home environment. A free-roaming cat or dog may not be suitable if you want a tidy, clean home free from animal hair and mud. If you want a pet that is confined, like fish, birds or hamsters in their own quarters, then this may be the best choice.

Concerns about landscaping. Your landscaping may suffer if you have certain pets. Dogs will dig up your yard, leaving yellow spots.

Commitment. Last, but not least, remember that your commitment will be for the life of your pet. This could mean 10, 15, 20, or 30 years with cats or dogs, or even more years with birds. Consider adopting an old dog or cat at a rescue or shelter group. This will provide the animal with a home that is loving for their senior years.

When choosing a pet for yourself, you should be truthful about your lifestyle and what kind of animal you would like to take care of. Start small if you are unsure about taking care of a large animal. Get a caged fish or smaller animal. Then, you can decide if it’s right for you.

Animal shelters and Rescue

Adopting a dog or cat from an animal shelter or rescue organization is a great way to get devoted pets. Most pets wind up in shelters through no fault on their part. The owner of the animal may have passed away or relocated to an area that does not allow pets. Or, they may simply have been left by irresponsible pet owners who purchased them out-of-the blue and then realized that they could or would be unable to properly care for them. When a shelter animal or rescue dog exhibits aggressive behaviour, they are usually euthanized instead of being offered up for adoption.

The rescue groups find homes for dogs, cats and other animals that are unwanted, abandoned or abused. Many of these pets come from shelters, where they were otherwise euthanized. Volunteers care for the animals while they are looking for a new home. Rescuers often know the personality of a particular pet and are able to give you advice on whether it would be a match for your lifestyle.

Adopting a pet from a rescue or shelter organization will not only give a loving home to an animal that deserves it, but also save its life.

What to choose between a dog and a cat

The most popular household pets are dogs and cats. You may see a person walking their cat with a leash, or even a dog using a litterbox, but the natural behavior and needs of cats and dogs are usually different.

Indoors or outdoors

Indoor cats: Although housecats enjoy the outdoors, they can sometimes wander away.

Canines: All dogs need to be walked and exercised daily. They will need to walk every day, even if they have an enclosed backyard in which they can go potty and run.


Cats Basic training for cats includes litter-box use and not pawing at furniture. Cats are resistant to training.

Cats: The training required by cats is much less than that of dogs. The majority of dogs love to train because they have something else to do. Also, they have a natural desire to please people.


Kittens: A cat will satisfy your need for serenity, independence and playfulness.

Canines: A dog will greet you with enthusiasm every time you return home.


CatsCats often prefer to be left alone.

Canines: dogs tend to flourish when they are in contact with people and other canines.

Pet ownership alternatives

Even if you do not have time, money or the ability to keep a full-time pet, you can still reap the benefits. You and your dog can both benefit from spending short time with them.

You could ask your neighbor to walk his dog or offer to volunteer in an animal shelter. Volunteers are welcome at most animal shelters and rescue groups to care for abandoned pets, or help with adoption events. Not only will you be helping yourself but you’ll also help to exercise and socialize the animals making them more adoptable.

Some rescue and animal shelters offer “rental” pet programs. Adoptable dogs and cats can go on walks with you or have playdates. Fostering an animal can be done temporarily to find a home for it or decide whether the animal will work for you.

Various organizations provide specially-trained therapy cats and dogs to visit hospitals for children, assisted living centers, nursing homes and hospice programs. They also offer them as a service at schools, refuges and shelters. People are encouraged to stroke and pet the dogs during these visits. This can help improve moods and relieve stress.

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