Pet Grooming: The Art of Pet Grooming

What is pet grooming? Drowning in dog hair? You’re not alone! Not alone! It’s important to groom your pet, particularly now that the spring season is approaching and they are leaving more of their own hair everywhere. As responsible pet owners, it’s our responsibility to ensure that they are clean and well-groomed. It’s easier to say than do, especially if your pet is a fluffy dog or cat (or one that loves mud puddles).

It’s true, some pets or cats need more grooming than others. But no matter the type of fur your pet has, you can still benefit from regular grooming. Long-haired or medium-haired animals benefit most from regular haircuts and daily brushing. Brushing shorter-haired animals can be done once per week. All dogs need regular baths, but cats can do it themselves if they are healthy. Early exposure to grooming, baths and haircuts will make it easier for your pet to accept them later. Even pets who were not trained as young children can learn to accept grooming by going slowly and making it an enjoyable experience (treats are helpful).

Even if you are less interested in keeping your dog “pretty,” pet grooming has some very important health benefits. Brushing your pet stimulates the skin’s production of beneficial oils, and improves their muscle tone. It is important to brush your pets’ longer-haired fur in order to prevent mats and tangles. Mats are not only uncomfortable but also allow bacteria to grow due to dirt and oils accumulating underneath. Even though shorter-haired animals don’t develop mats or tangles as easily, they still benefit from brushing regularly. Brushing their coats and skin helps them stay healthy. It also eliminates any loose hair and allows for early detection of problems. Fluffy is brushed every day, but that’s not enough. He needs to be cut. The “lion’s cut” leaves the head, tail and ankles fluffy while shaving down everything else.

A haircut may be necessary if brushing is not enough. Your pet may have to be shaved if he has mats. It’s also important for your pet’s eye health that the hair around his eyes is kept short. You don’t want hair in your eye, right? To look their best, some dog breeds require their hair to be cut at least every six weeks. Consult your veterinarian or groomer to find out the best frequency.

But what’s the point of a great haircut without washing it? Dogs don’t have to be bathed as frequently as humans, but they still need regular washing. Dogs that are healthy and don’t have any breed-specific requirements might only require a wash every two months. Some dogs and cats may need more frequent baths. Some dogs (and some cats) may require more frequent baths, especially those with problems such as skin conditions, wrinkly breeds, hairless animals, and pets that are frequently outside. Most human shampoos are irritating to Fido’s or Kitty’s skin, and some of them can be toxic. So you should use products that have been specially designed for your pets.

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