Cats are a joy to own

Cats can provide unconditional love, companionship and joy to you. A feline companion can bring you health benefits by reducing stress and improving your heart health. Cat ownership Cat ownership can lead to a rewarding and long-lasting relationship. Cats can calm the nervous system while providing an outlet for play and fun. Cats are very independent and like…

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24-Hour Emergency Vet Clinic

What you should know about the emergency veterinarian clinics, their vets and what they do. In 2014, there were more than 102,000 vets in the United States and 510 American College of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Board-certified Diplomates (ACVECC). The American Veterinary Medical Association says that 24-hour emergency clinics, and veterinarians working in these hospitals are important…

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What is dog sitter?

Dog sitter requests are increasing as travel resumes. After all, the pandemic, pups can’t take care of themselves. My willingness to take care of other people’s pets was a major factor in my understanding of New York City. I learned about neighborhoods that were out of reach for me, and the lifestyles they lived. How…

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The chinchilla

The chinchilla, a rodent smaller than a cat with velvety, rounded ears and grayish, plush fur, is one of the world’s most fascinating creatures. The chinchilla is incredibly social and lives in large family groups. They can even form herds of more than 100 animals. Male chinchillas are more social than other rodents and will help to…

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U.S. faces growing feral cat problem

They may be seen slouching behind restaurants or wandering around parks. These cats appear domesticated at first. They’re actually wild animals. Feral cat can be the result of abandoned or stray household pets. They quickly return to their wild nature after being raised without any human interaction. Many animal control departments in cities and counties are only mandated…

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Dog Daycare has become one of the most popular businesses within the pet industry. The needs of consumers who own pets change as the human culture does. In many parts of America, housing offers fewer opportunities for dogs to live full life in their backyards. Our yards are often smaller, and our neighborhoods have covenants which do not…

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