
How to build a dog house for your beloved pooch

Many pet owners want to get knowledge about how to build a dog house for your beloved pooch. According to estimates, the relationship between dogs and humans dates back approximately 16,000 years. Recent research has pushed domestication back further. A study by Nature Communications suggests that the domestication of dogs took place approximately 32,000-years ago. Dogs are popular pets…

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Pet Grooming: The Art of Pet Grooming

What is pet grooming? Drowning in dog hair? You’re not alone! Not alone! It’s important to groom your pet, particularly now that the spring season is approaching and they are leaving more of their own hair everywhere. As responsible pet owners, it’s our responsibility to ensure that they are clean and well-groomed. It’s easier to say than do, especially if…

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What you need to know about Hound Dog

Discover the personality and behaviour of the many hound dog breed. This group includes everything from giants to small dogs. Hound dog breeds are loved by many generations. From the magnificent Afghan Hound and the tiny beagle. You should know a few important things before you bring one home. Here are the different hounds with their personalities, sizes and traits. The…

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U.S. faces growing feral cat problem

They may be seen slouching behind restaurants or wandering around parks. These cats appear domesticated at first. They’re actually wild animals. Feral cat can be the result of abandoned or stray household pets. They quickly return to their wild nature after being raised without any human interaction. Many animal control departments in cities and counties are only mandated…

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What is PetSmart grooming?

PetSmart grooming will help you keep your dog or cat looking its best. Pet grooming helps some animals interact better with their surroundings, while others can stay cleaner or cool longer. PetSmart takes grooming seriously. The groomers are required to complete more than one year of intensive training in order to be allowed to touch your pet. This…

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The Beginner’s guide to ferret care

The ferret is a member of the family weasel that has been domesticated for over 2000 years. Ferrets are intelligent, social animals. They may seem like small pets, but they require as much attention as cats and dogs. A FERRET The average life expectancy of ferrets is 5-7 years. However, the record age for the oldest…

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The chinchilla

The chinchilla, a rodent smaller than a cat with velvety, rounded ears and grayish, plush fur, is one of the world’s most fascinating creatures. The chinchilla is incredibly social and lives in large family groups. They can even form herds of more than 100 animals. Male chinchillas are more social than other rodents and will help to…

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Pets have many benefits

Pet owners know the joys of having companion animals in their life. Many of us are unaware that snuggling with a pet can have physical and mental benefits. Only recently have studies begun to explore scientifically the benefits of the bond between humans and animals. Animals are now able to understand human behavior, emotions and body language. For…

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Cats are a joy to own

Cats can provide unconditional love, companionship and joy to you. A feline companion can bring you health benefits by reducing stress and improving your heart health. Cat ownership Cat ownership can lead to a rewarding and long-lasting relationship. Cats can calm the nervous system while providing an outlet for play and fun. Cats are very independent and like…

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Pets are good for human health

Many people find that pets play a vital role in their lives. Animals can help with rehabilitation in speech and physical therapy as well as occupational therapy. Animals are valued for their companionship, and not just in therapeutic settings. Does companionship improve our health? We can improve the lives of people by better understanding the bond between humans…

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